Oct 27 (Reuters) - Cloetta Ab CLOEb.ST :
* Q3 operating profit (EBIT) improved to SEK 216 mln (212)
* Reuters poll: Cloetta Q3 operating profit was seen at SEK 201 million, net sales SEK 1,464 million
* Operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability, increased during the quarter to SEK 224 mln (194)
* The operating profit margin, adjusted for items affecting comparability, strengthened to 15.5 per cent (13.3).
* Says the improvement in operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability, was driven by increased efficiency in the supply chain and good cost control
* Says the confectionery market was unchanged or showed overall slightly positive development in Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands and Italy. In Denmark and Norway, market development was slightly negative in the quarter Source text for Eikon: ID:nWkrjz0878 Further company coverage: CLOEb.ST