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Morgan Stanley Investment Funds - Quantactive Global Property Fund A Usd (0P0001QGMR)

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22,310 -0,110    -0,49%
07/03 - Stängd. Valuta i GBP
Typ:  Fond
Marknad:  Luxemburg
Utgivare:  MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited
Tillgångsklass:  Aktier
  • Morningstar-värdering:
  • Totala tillgångar: 57,66M
Morgan Stanley Investment Funds - Global Property 22,310 -0,110 -0,49%

0P0001QGMR Översikt

På denna sida hittar du en djupgående profil av Morgan Stanley Investment Funds - Quantactive Global Property Fund A Usd. Läs om viktig ledning, totala tillgångar, investeringsstrategi och kontaktinformation om 0P0001QGMR tillsammans med annan information.

Branschfond, fastighetsbolag

Totala tillgångar







Fonden investerar i företag inom fastighetsbranschen med säte var som helst i världen. Detta inkluderar fastighetsstiftelser och marknadsnoterade fastighetsfonder. Om fonder och stiftelser används kan investeraren dessutom få stå för de löpande förvaltningskostnaderna för dessa investeringar på ett indirekt sätt.


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Verkställande ledning

Namn Titel Sedan Till
Mehdi Barone - 2024 Nu
Biografi Mehdi Barone joined Morgan Stanley in 2007 and has 23 years of investment experience. M. Barone is a portfolio Manager and CEO of FundLogic SAS (part of Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM)). Prior to joining, he was an absolute return and quantitative balanced fund manager at HSBC Sinopia Asset Management. In January 2013 he joined J.P. Morgan in London as Head of Fund Management within J.P. Morgan Mansart Management Limited. Mehdi returned to FundLogic as Head of Portfolio Management in January 2016 and as deputy of the French Management Company. Mehdi graduated from the Ceram (Skema Business School) with a specialization in Finance and he holds a Master's degree from the University Paris-Dauphine with a specialization in Asset Management.
Emmanuel Caro - 2024 Nu
Biografi Emmanuel Caro joined Morgan Stanley in 2018 and has 12 years of investment experience. M. Caro is a Portfolio Manager for FundLogic SAS (part of Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM)). Prior to joining, he held the position of Portfolio Manager for Gresham Asset Management (former Legal & General), he also previously worked at Rothschild & Cie and Optimum Gestion Financière; where he has managed active and passive funds and mandates for institutional clients across all asset classes using a quantitative and fundamental analysis coupled with a bottom-up and top-down approach. Emmanuel graduated from Audencia School of Management in 2012 with a Master's degree in Finance and he is a CFA Charterholder.
Celine Karanci - 2024 Nu
Biografi Céline Karanci joined Morgan Stanley in July 2012 and has 12 years of investment experience as Portfolio Manager FundLogic SAS (part of Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM)). Ms. Karanci is predominantly focused on the structuring and management of Index tracking funds: Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF) within FundLogic. She has expertise on efficient factor market and bespoke indices replication. In addition to equity and commodities underlying assets, she also has experience in managing emerging markets funds with environmental, social and governance (ESG) characteristics. She graduated from Ecole Supérieure de Gestion et de Finance- Paris, with a Master's degree in Financial Markets.
Simon Robson Brown Regional Portfolio Manager 2022 2024
Biografi Simon Robson Brown is a Portfolio Manager and, as a member of the firm's Listed Real Assets European research team, is responsible for the evaluation of listed real estate companies located throughout the United Kingdom and Continental Europe. In addition, Simon is responsible for the oversight of the London listed team. Simon joined the predecessor firm of CBRE Investment Management's Listed Real Assets business in 2006. Prior to that, Simon worked in various research and analyst positions at UBS and Citigroup. Simon has over 20 years of real estate investment experience. Credentials - European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) - Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales Education - B.A. Hons, Saint John’s College, Cambridge, 1995 (first)
Laurel Durkay Senior Vice President 2021 2024
Biografi Laurel Durkay, Chartered Financial Analyst Managing Director Laurel Durkay joined Morgan Stanley in 2020 and has 21 years of investment experience. She is the Head of Global Listed Real Assets within Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM) and the lead portfolio manager for U.S. and Global listed real estate strategies. Prior to joining MSIM, Ms. Durkay was a Senior Vice President and Global Portfolio Manager for Listed Real Estate at Cohen & Steers Capital Management for 14 years.
Desmond Foong Portfolio Manager 2015 2024
Biografi Desmond Foong is a Portfolio Manager focusing on Asian real estate securities investing. He joined Morgan Stanley in 2011 and has been with financial industry since 2004. Prior to joining the firm, Desmond was an investment analyst at the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC), primarily focusing on the Asian real estate and financial sectors. He received his Bachelor of Arts in economics from the University of Cambridge, and a master's degree in international and development economics from Yale University. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Angeline Ho Vice President 2006 2024
Biografi Angeline joined Morgan Stanley in 1997 and has been with financial industry since 1992. She is a Portfolio Manager focusing on Asian Real Estate markets and securities. Prior to joining the Firm, she was a research manager at SG Securities and a senior research analyst at Schroder Securities. Previously, she was a research analyst at BZW Securities and an appraiser and a consultant at Debenham Tewson International. Angeline received a BSc with honors from the National University of Singapore in Estate Management and a MBA from the Nanyang Technological University in Accountancy.
Michiel te Paske Portfolio Manager, Managing Director 2006 2022
Biografi Michiel is a portfolio manager for the European real estate securities of the investment management business. He joined Morgan Stanley in 1997 and has been with financial industry since 1997. Prior to joining the firm, Michiel was a research analyst at the Limburg Institute of Financial Economics. Michiel received an M.S. in economics from Maastricht University.
Sven Van Kemenade Portfolio Manager 2006 2022
Biografi Sven is a portfolio manager for the European real estate securities investment management business. He joined Morgan Stanley in 1997 and has been with financial industry since 1997. Prior to joining the firm, he was a research analyst at the Limburg Institute of Financial Economics. Sven received an M.S. in econometrics from Maastricht University.
Theodore R. Bigman Managing Director 2006 2020
Biografi Ted joined Morgan Stanley in 1995 and has 26 years of investment experience. He is a Managing Director at Morgan Stanley Investment Management and is the Head of Global Real Estate Securities Investing. Ted is the portfolio manager for the U.S. and global real estate securities portfolios and oversees the global team, which has investment teams in New York, Amsterdam and Singapore. Ted is also the lead portfolio manager for the Global Infrastructure Securities strategy. The teams have over $20 billion of assets under management in these strategies. Prior to joining the Firm in 1995, he was a Director at CS First Boston, where he worked for eight years in the real estate investment banking group. He established and managed the REIT effort at CS First Boston, and had primary responsibility for $2.5 billion of REIT initial public offerings. Ted also worked at Bain & Company as an Associate Consultant for two years. Ted received a B.A. from Brandeis University in Economics and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School and studied at the London School of Economics. He was the 2011 recipient of the Industry Achievement Award from the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, the leading REIT industry group, for his approach to securities research on listed real estate companies, which has been influential in making REITs a standard component of institutional real estate portfolios.
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