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Frankrike - Certifikat

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 NamnSymbolSenaste+/- %Vol.Tid
 BNP Gold 31Dec99NL0006.191,18-1,70%2,59K30/04 

Italien - Certifikat

 NamnSymbolSenaste+/- %Vol.Tid
 SG MSCI THE WORLDXS8816.187,750+0,05%0,11K30/04 
 SG S&P 500 NET TR 31Dec99XS8816.217,700-0,07%0,07K30/04 
 Vontobel 100 Solactive Blockch TechDEVN9C.190,1900,00%026/04 
 Vontobel 100 Gene Therapy 31Dec99DEVN9D.114,7400,00%026/04 
 Banca IMI SpA ZT Nikkei 225 30Jan26XS1923.1.030,650-0,55%0,01K30/04 

Portugal - Certifikat

 NamnSymbolSenaste+/- %Vol.Tid

Sverige - Certifikat

 NamnSymbolSenaste+/- %Vol.Tid
 NBp Call SSAB A shares 31Dec99SE0011.0,61-6,15%70,85K13:30:00 
 NB Call Africa Oil 31Dec99SE0011.22,81+1,78%11,05K13:30:00 
 NB Call MINI GULD NORDENT 7 31Dec99SE0009.71,18-5,67%26,27K30/04 
 NB Call MINI GULD NORDENT 8 31Dec99SE0009.77,93-5,17%1,49K30/04 
 NBp Call Volvo AB ser. B 31Dec99SE0011.199,85-1,28%1,00K13:30:00 
 NB Call Gold x12 31Dec99SE0011.0,73-13,10%273,0030/04 
 NB Call 1222 SEK OMXS30 31Dec99SE0009.1.479,95+1,09%0,00K13:30:00 
 NB Put SKF B 31Dec99SE0011.37,190,00%019/03 
 NB Put Swedbank 31Dec99SE0011.44,060,00%001/01 
 NB ZT 110 SEK IndustrivardenSE0010.202,500,00%001/01 
 NB ZT 312 SEK Investor B sharesSE0010.551,760,00%001/01 
 NB ZT 69 SEK Stora Enso Oyj 31Dec99SE0010.123,310,00%001/01 
 NBp Call 1175 USD Gold 31Dec99SE0011.80,030,00%012/04 
 NBp Call 130 SEK Boliden AB 31Dec99SE0011.263,780,00%004/04 
 NB Call 127 SEK Axfood 31Dec99SE0009.128,470,00%001/01 
 NBp Call 585 SEK AstraZenecaSE0011.390,020,00%001/01 
 NB Put 411 SEK Electrolux B sharesSE0009.161,820,00%027/03 
 NBp Call 90 SEK Tele2 AB ser. BSE0011.39,450,00%001/01 
 NBp Call Hennes and Mauritz ser. BSE0011.0,070,00%010/04 

Tyskland - Certifikat

 NamnSymbolSenaste+/- %Vol.Tid
 HV Call Solactive Diabetes PerformaDEHV54.70,640-1,90%0,31K14/02 
 BNP ZT RBS TRY TR Index 31Dec99DE9187.40,330+0,88%0,05K30/04 
 Bayerische Gold 31Dec99DEHV2X.18,03-2,86%030/04 
 HV Call Frankfurter Allgemeine ZeiDEHV5C.44,330+0,09%030/04 
 HV Call DAXglobal China Short TRDEHV5J.8,360+0,24%030/04 
 HV Call DivDAX Kursindex 31Dec99DEHV0E.18,900-1,46%030/04 
 HV Call DivDAX Performance IndexDEHV0E.45,260-1,50%030/04 
 HV Call Frankfurter Allgemeine MascDEHV5C.153,030-0,71%030/04 
 HV Call Frankfurter Bau und ImmobilDEHV5C.51,050+1,13%030/04 
 HV Call Frankfurter Allgemeine ZeitDEHV3F.26,150-1,06%030/04 
 HV Call Frankfurter Auto und ZuliefDEHV5C.43,110-4,22%030/04 
 HSBC Call 1974.8545 EUR DAX 31Dec99DE9606.154,300-1,08%030/04 
 HV Call Frankfurter Chemie und PharDEHV5C.19,3300,00%030/04 
 HV Call Frankfurter Erneuerbare EneDEHV5C.45,830-1,02%030/04 
 HV Call Frankfurter IT und ElektronDEHV5C.100,760-0,80%030/04 
 HSBC Call 3417.4547 EUR DAX 31Dec99DE9638.135,930-1,24%030/04 
 GS Call ISHARES A50 Index 31Dec99DEGS3P.15,9500,00%001/01 
 GS ZT S P Global Timber Forestry TRDEGS0T.292,4400,00%001/01 
 HV Call NIKKEI 225 31Dec99DEHV1N.22,700-0,74%030/04 
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