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Liontrust Uk Equity Fund - Class B Accumulation (0P00000XMP)

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8,81 +0,03    +0,33%
05/07 - Stängd. Valuta i GBP ( Friskrivning )
Typ:  Fond
Marknad:  Storbritannien
Utgivare:  Majedie Asset Management Ltd
ISIN:  GB0032730698 
Tillgångsklass:  Aktier
  • Morningstar-värdering:
  • Totala tillgångar: 17,67M
Majedie UK Equity Class B Acc 8,81 +0,03 +0,33%

0P00000XMP Översikt

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Storbritannien, flexibel storlex

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Verkställande ledning

Namn Titel Sedan Till
Imran Sattar Portfolio Manager 2019 Nu
Biografi "Imran Sattar is a Fund Manager and is responsible for co-managing the UK Equity and UK Focus funds. Imran joined Liontrust in April 2022 as part of the acquisition of Majedie Asset Management, where he had managed funds for four years, and is a member of the Liontrust Global Fundamental team. Before joining Majedie in 2018, Imran was a Managing Director and Fund Manager at Blackrock, where he managed UK equity funds with combined UK equity assets of over £2 billion. Imran joined Mercury Asset Management in 1997 (subsequently acquired by Merrill Lynch, now Blackrock). He holds a Bachelor of Sciences degree in Mathematics & Economics from the University of Warwick and is a CFA Charterholder."
Chris Field Executive Director 2003 2023
Biografi Chris Field is Lead Manager of the UK Income Fund, Co-Fund Manager of the UK Equity and UK Focus Funds and Deputy Manager of the Edinburgh Investment Trust. Chris joined Liontrust in April 2022 as part of the acquisition of Majedie Asset Management, where he had managed funds for 20 years, and is a member of the Liontrust Global Fundamental team. Before co-founding Majedie in 2002, Chris had been a Director at Mercury Asset Management (subsequently acquired by Merrill Lynch, now BlackRock). Chris joined Rowan Investment Managers (a predecessor firm to Mercury Asset Management) in 1980. Chris holds the ASIP qualification and is an Associate Member of the CFA Society of the UK.
James de Uphaugh Managing Director, Chairman, Founder, Portfolio Manager 2003 2023
Biografi James de Uphaugh is Head of the Liontrust Global Fundamental team. James joined Liontrust in April 2022 as part of the acquisition of Majedie Asset Management, where he was Chairman and Chief Investment Officer and responsible for co-managing the UK Equity Fund and managing the Edinburgh Investment Trust. Before co-founding Majedie in 2002, James had been a Managing Director at Mercury Asset Management (subsequently acquired by Merrill Lynch, now BlackRock) from 1988, where he was also Chairman of the UK Investment Group and Alpha Team Leader. James holds a Master of Arts degree in Economics from Jesus College, Cambridge. He holds the ASIP qualification and is an Associate Member of the CFA Society of the UK.
John King - 2019 2023
Biografi John King is lead manager of the UK Smaller Companies Fund and the smaller companies sub-portfolio of the UK Equity Fund. John joined Liontrust in April 2022 as part of the acquisition of Majedie Asset Management, where he had managed funds for three years, and is a member of the Liontrust Global Fundamental team. Before joining Majedie in 2019, John was a Portfolio Manager at AXA, where he was Deputy Manager of the AXA UK Select Opportunities Fund and the AXA WF Framlington UK Fund, also managing long-only institutional UK equity mandates on behalf of a UK university endowment. Prior to joining AXA in 2016, John worked as an equities salesperson for Jefferies, UBS and N+1 Singer, where he specialised in mid and small-cap analysis. John holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Management from the University of Leeds.
Matthew Smith Director 2010 2019
Biografi Matthew Smith is Lead Manager of the Tortoise Fund. Matthew joined Liontrust in April 2022 as part of the acquisition of Majedie Asset Management, where he had managed funds for 16 years, and is a member of the Liontrust Global Fundamental team. Before joining Majedie in 2006, Matthew had been a Director at Deutsche Bank, where he was Pan European Support Services Analyst. Until 2004, he had been a Director and Transport Analyst at Credit Suisse. Prior to that, Matthew was a Fund Manager and Analyst at NPI, where he managed the NPI UK Extra Income Unit Trust. Matthew joined NPI in 1994. Matthew holds a Bachelor of Sciences degree in Geophysics from the University of Southampton.
Richard Staveley Head 2014 2019
Biografi Richard Staveley is a fund manager and analyst with investment experience in UK and international equity markets since 1999. Before joining Majedie in 2013, Richard was a founding Partner of River & Mercantile Asset Management.Until 2006, he was a Fund Manager and subsequently Head of UK Small Companies at Société Générale Asset Management. Prior to that, he was an Assistant Fund Manager at hedge fund boutique Bradshaw Asset Management. Richard qualified as a Chartered Accountant at Coopers & Lybrand/PwC, which he joined in 1996. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Politics from the University of Newcastle. He is a CFA charter holder.
Adam Parker consultant 2003 2015
Biografi Adam Parker retired from Majedie Asset Management in June 2015 and now acts as a consultant to Majedie on small cap corporate governance issues. Prior to his retirement, Adam was responsible for co-managing the UK Smaller Companies Fund and the smaller companies element of the UK Equity Fund, having also co-managed the UK Focus Fund between 2003 and 2012.Before co-founding Majedie in 2002, Adam had been a Director at Mercury Asset Management (subsequently acquired by Merrill Lynch), where he was also a member of the UK Asset Allocation Group. While at Mercury, he was responsible for managing the Alpha team's pooled smaller companies fund and local index institutional portfolios with combined UK equity assets of £1.1bn.Adam joined Mercury Asset Management in 1987. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Chemistry from St Catherine's College, Oxford. He is an Associate Member of the CFA Society of the UK.
Robert Harris Director, Member, founder/fund Manager 2003 2010
Biografi Rob Harris is Chief Executive of Majedie Asset Management. He has investment experience in UK and international equity markets since 1992.Before co-founding Majedie in 2002, Rob had been a Director at Mercury Asset Management (subsequently acquired by Merrill Lynch). While at Mercury, he was responsible for managing institutional portfolios with combined UK equity assets of £1.2bn. Rob joined Mercury Asset Management in 1993. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Classics from the University of Durham. He is an Associate Member of the CFA Society of the UK.
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