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Comgest Monde C (0P00000PMA)

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34,800 +0,270    +0,78%
10/02 - Stängd. Valuta i EUR
Typ:  Fond
Marknad:  Frankrike
Utgivare:  Comgest
ISIN:  FR0000284689 
Tillgångsklass:  Aktier
  • Morningstar-värdering:
  • Totala tillgångar: 2,76B
Comgest Monde C 34,800 +0,270 +0,78%

0P00000PMA Översikt

På denna sida hittar du en djupgående profil av Comgest Monde C. Läs om viktig ledning, totala tillgångar, investeringsstrategi och kontaktinformation om 0P00000PMA tillsammans med annan information.

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Adress 17 square Edouard VII
Paris, 75009
Telefon 01 44 94 19 00

Verkställande ledning

Namn Titel Sedan Till
Alexandre Narboni Portfolio Manager 2019 Nu
Biografi Alexandre Narboni joined Comgest in 2009 and is an Analyst and Portfolio Manager specialising in Global equities. He is also a member of the Comgest Group's Investment Committee. Alexandre is also responsible for developing and supervising Comgest’s Flex strategies, the firm's first investment strategies to employ hedging techniques with the objective of reducing volatility and drawdowns. He previously worked in the Group’s US equity team. Before joining Comgest, he worked in New York in asset-backed securities at Société Générale from 2005-2007 and then as a hedge fund credit Analyst at HSBC. Alexandre graduated from the National School of Statistics and Economic Administration (ENSAE) in Paris and Columbia University in New York where he was awarded a Master’s degree in Financial Mathematics.
Zak Smerczak Portfolio Manager 2017 Nu
Biografi Zak Smerczak joined Comgest in 2016 and is an Analyst and Portfolio Manager specialising in Global equities. He is also a member of the Comgest Group's Investment Committee. Zak started his career in 2006 at Deloitte in London, initially in Assurance & Advisory Services before moving to Transaction Services where he was responsible for operational and financial due diligence. In 2011, Zak joined Mirabaud Asset Management where he worked as an Analyst covering global equities. In 2015, he moved to Polar Capital Holdings where he held the position of Analyst / Portfolio Manager for the firm’s global multi-asset income strategy. Zak holds a Bachelor of Business Science Degree with Honours in Finance from the University of Cape Town. He is a CFA® charterholder and has been a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland since 2009.
Laure Négiar Portfolio Manager 2013 Nu
Biografi Laure Négiar joined Comgest in 2010 and is an Analyst and Portfolio Manager specialising in Global equities. She is also a non-executive member of the Board of Partners and the Global Equity Team manager. Laure co-manages Comgest's Global and EAFE (Global ex-US) strategies as well as the team’s segregated accounts. Before joining Comgest, she worked at BNP Paribas Equities & Derivatives in Paris and London, and prior to that worked in several roles within the US government. Laure obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Public Policy from Stanford University (with Honours and Phi Beta Kappa) before graduating on the Dean's list with an MSc in Management from the HEC business school in France. She is also a CFA® charterholder.
Richard Mercado - 2020 2023
Biografi Richard Mercado joined Comgest in 2019 and is an Analyst and Portfolio Manager specialising in Global equities. Before joining Comgest, Rick worked in London as a Portfolio Manager responsible for a North American equities fund with USS Investment Management and prior to that, as a Global Equities Portfolio Manager with F&C Investments. From 2001-2008 he worked in Australia, with Capital Partners as an Investment Analyst and with AMP Capital Investors as an Investment Strategist. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and a Bachelor of Commerce in Finance from the University of New South Wales. He is also a CFA® charterholder.
Vincent Houghton Portfolio Manager 2017 2020
Biografi Vincent Houghton joined Comgest in 2009 and is a Portfolio Manager and Analyst. Vincent co-leads Comgest’s Global and EAFE Plus equity strategies. Based in Singapore, he has more than 30 years of investment and banking experience, principally in Asian markets. Prior to joining Comgest, Vincent worked in Asia with Merrill Lynch, HSBC and Credit Lyonnais as an Investment Analyst and in a variety of institutional sales director roles dating back to 1993. He started his career in 1980 at Hong Kong Bank, serving in successive regional management roles in Bahrain, Brunei and Hong Kong. He graduated from the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and has a Master’s degree in Economic Development.
Céline Piquemal-Prade Lead Portfolio Manager 2004 2019
Biografi Céline Piquemal joined Comgest’s global equities team in 2003 and is today a member of the Group’s Investment Executive and Management Committees. Céline became a lead Portfolio Manager of Comgest’s global strategy in 2008 as well as Comgest’s EAFE Plus strategy since its launch in 2012. Céline also co-manages a number of global segregated mandates. In 2013, Céline was named Team Manager of the Global, US and Japan equity teams, responsible for the daily supervision and management of the Portfolio Managers and Analysts within the team. Céline began her career in London as an Analyst at J.P. Morgan and then at Morgan Stanley before joining McKinsey in 2000 as a consultant in the Financial Institutions Group practice, where she advised corporations across a number of different industries. She graduated from the HEC business school in Paris with a major in Finance.
Arnaud Cosserat Managing Director 2014 2016
Biografi CEO - ANALYST / PORTFOLIO MANAGER Arnaud Cosserat joined Comgest in 1996 and is Chief Executive Officer of the Comgest Group. As CEO, he is a member of the Group's Board of Partners, Chair of the Executive Committee, and a member of the Investment and Sustainability Committees. In addition to these roles, Arnaud is also a long-standing Analyst and Portfolio Manager specialising in European equities. He started his career in 1989 as an Analyst at Banque Paribas, before joining Société de Bourse Oddo and then Generali as a Portfolio Manager. He holds a Master of Science degree from the ESSEC business school (France) and is a member of the French Society of Financial Analysts (SFAF, Société Française des Analystes Financiers).
Vincent Strauss CEO 2010 2015
Biografi Vincent Strauss joined Comgest in 1994 and is today CEO of the firm and Chairman of Comgest Global Investors.Vincent started his career at Crédit Commercial de France where he was instrumental in expanding the bank’s provision of corporate finance services. In 1982, he joined Banque Indosuez where he became lead Portfolio Manager of the bank’s Asian equities portfolios. He was then a Director at Batif before moving to Multifinance International and then to Comgest.
Jean-François Canton - 1991 2010
Biografi start date at fund company:1986
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