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Konferenser och konvent

Private Equity Latin America Forum

Kursen förses av:  Markets Group
Start: 2015-06-08 10:00
Slut: 2015-06-09 20:00
4 East 60th Street,
New York,
Pris: Visit Site
Telefon: +1 347 308 5122
E-post: anna.gonzalez@marketsgroup.org
Private Equity Latin America Forum

The 4th Annual Private Equity Latin America Forum is a meeting of the world's largest international private equity managers and investors. The forum brings together 400+ investors, funds, and advisors for a two day meeting discussing sectors, due diligence, and private equity investment opportunities in Brazil, throughout Latin America and around the world.

The investor focused event provides a due diligence platform for international and Latin American pension funds, foundations, endowments, fund of funds, family offices, wealth managers, consultants, and sovereign wealth funds interested in direct research on private investment opportunities.

Register Now!

For more information, please contact:
Anna Gonzalez
+1 347 308 5122
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