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Konferenser och konvent

India Forex Expo 2010

Kursen förses av:  Forexpros
Start: 2010-09-24 15:28
Slut: 2010-09-25 15:28
The Leela Kempinski Mumbai Hotel,
Pris: Free
E-post: info@forexexpo.com
Today we can openly say that India is one of the most developing countries in  financial and economic sectors. Development of Forex industry and growing interest to it can be left unnoticed. That is why global project World Forex Expo opens its door for this country.

The first international exhibition INDIA FOREX EXPO 2010 will take place in Mumbai, because it is an absolute leader according to the quantity of its brokerage companies, finance investments and turnovers.

During the expo workshops will be held, where gurus of this industry will share their experience with all interested in Forex.

Our exhibition also has an educational character: taking part in it you can learn more about FOREX market tools, it's strategy and tactic, innovations and profits.

This time FINEXPO will produce live forum of communication for people of different level of FOREX knowledge: professionals and people simply wishing to earn more.

As  our event is international, so visitors will be able to get in touch with services of not only Indian, but American, British, Swedish, French, Cyprian and many other brokerage companies.

We look forward to seeing you at our show in Mumbai!
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