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Konferenser och konvent

4th New Libya Oil & Gas Forum 2015

Kursen förses av:  IRN International
Start: 2015-10-19 10:00
Slut: 2015-10-21 20:00
St Katharine's Way,
Pris: Visit Site
Telefon: +44 (0) 20 7111 1615
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7183 7945
E-post: XeniaS@irn-international.com

After three successful editions of the New Libya Oil & Gas Forum, IRN is proud to bring the 4th edition of the only gathering supported by the NOC.

The New Libya Oil & Gas Forum, featuring a number of Keynote Presentations from Libya’s NOC, is the only event focusing on the hydrocarbon sector of Libya. Attending this important Forum will give you all necessary information addressing Libya’s current situation, to equip you with all necessary information needed to form your strategy to operate and do business there. 

Libya is currently in need of stability, and is seeking long term partners who will help the country recover from recent turmoil. 

This Forum will be a unique opportunity to meet with key Libyan executives who can guide you through different aspects of Libya’s prolific oil and gas industry, assessing exploration and production issues, refineries, pipelines and regulations, so you can fully gauge the current status of the country with reference to these areas, and understand important developments and plans over the coming months.
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