Följande avsnitt sammanfattar insikter om Itafos Inc.s Beskrivning:
Itafoss beskrivning är Itafos Inc. operates as a phosphate and specialty fertilizer company. It operates through Conda, Arrais, and Development and Exploration segments. The company produces and sells monoammonium phosphate (MAP), MAP with micronutrients, superphosphoric acid, merchant grade phosphoric acid, ammonium polyphosphate, hydrofluorosilicic acid, direct application phosphate rock, single superphosphate (SSP), SSP with micronutrients, and sulfuric acid. It also owns interests in the Farim, a phosphate mine project situated in Farim, Guinea-Bissau; Araxá, a rare earth element and niobium mine and extraction plant project that is situated in Minas Gerais, Brazil; Arraias, an integrated phosphate fertilizer project located in Tocantins, Brazil; and Santana, an integrated phosphate mine and fertilizer plant project located in Pará, Brazil. The company was formerly known as MBAC Fertilizer Corp. and changed its name to Itafos Inc. in December 2016. Itafos Inc. is headquartered in Houston, Texas.
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