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FXTSP was founded in November 2002, our mission is to become an integral part of your success by providing state-of-the-art technology that is both innovative and easy-to-use. Since 2003, FXTSP has been at the forefront of the Forex Direct Access Technology revolution by providing a fully customizable trading platform, fast trade executions, and excellent customer support. In 2005, the new FX Trading Station2 has been launched which includes built- in forex charts, hotkey's for fast order entry and real time news, over 1,500,000 trades are executed each month via the FX Trading Station. Our relationship with one of the largest non-bank FCM's and one of the world's largest Forex Dealer Members (according to the financial data posted on the CFTC website) allows us to offer you a topnotch forex trading platform and an 24 hour, 7 days a week unparalleled degree of support in 15 languages.
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